mardi 5 juin 2007


When Kiruna was fouded over a century ago, it marked the start of one of the most remarkable social projects in Scandinavie, and now the wole town is to be relocated.
Never before in Swenden has in entire community needde to be relicated, so this is both an opportity and a threat that noone has previously experienced.
According to new and unespected results, ore extraction will cause such extensive ground cracking in Kiruna town center that within 30 years a large section must be relocated. Blocks of flats, homes,shops, streets, water mains, the electricity supply network, rthe town hall, the church, the hospital and the upper secondary school they are all in the subsidence zone. LKAB mining is now investigating whether there are even larger quantities of workable iron ore beneath the town, and if the results are positive, areas even outside the town center will end up in the subsidence zone. Some structures, such as the railway and railway buildings, and the newly-constructing routingof the Norway road, the E10, according to estimates will be in the subsidence zone within just ten years. So a gigantic relocation project must be carried out in Kiruna and it must place very fast. A major change of this type brings enormous challenges, but also an opportunity for a new start is unique in Sweden.
If you see work, go y, I think that there will be for all the trades.

2 commentaires:

Peter a dit…

J'espère qu'ils ne vont pas être obligés de déplacer la ville encore dans quelques décennies!

Pourtant, il y de la place. Kiruna est la plus grande ville de Suède - en surface!

lyliane six a dit…

Oui, mais il y a le problème des samis, ce sont eux les habitants de cette région, puis des écologistes, détruire d'autres forêts et espaces pour les animaux sauvages (comme les gloutons dont je n'ai pas parlé!)et bien d'autres problèmes insoupconnés pour toi qui est devenu parisien.!!!

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